Tuesday, May 15, 2018

kreyolwoman inspired - a series

Marquerite Hamden - She is the epitome of "Black Girl Magic" &  Co-Owner/designer of Ecowrist (Ecowrist.com).  Meet her in person . . . Brooklyn. . . 2018 Dance Africa street bazaar.  Side note: Girlfriend can cook!  If you told me she literally got up on the stove and put her foot in it . . . I'd gladly devour every morsel.

Marquerite is sporting "The Wooden Aviator" sunglasses,
and "The Earth" watch in copper & Guayancan wood.

Check out Marquerite on:
Website: www.ecowrist.com
Instagram: @ecowristwatches
Facebook: Marquerite Hamden

Monday, May 7, 2018

kreyolwoman inspired - a series

Belinda Becker - She is a DJ extraordinaire.  Yes...her sets will save your life and they may even save your soul.  Think I'm biased because she's my dance wife . . . well click below and check out what The New York Times has to say:  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/30/opinion/sunday/dj-save-your-life.html

DJ Belinda spinning at Skylark Bar in Manhattan
Photo: Chad Batka for The New York Times

Check out Belinda on:
Instagram: @yardgyal
Facebook: Belinda Becker